Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 29, 2009

March 29, 2009
(happy birthday dad!)

I decided to make this blog for those that want to know where I am, what I am doing and really, so those that don't really care for mass info emails, have the option to log on when time/interest permits.

Marisa and I leave tomorrow for Zambia where we will meet Jen Strickland (she will accompany us to the DR Congo for three weeks). On April 1st we meet with the US Embassy and the UNHCR in Lusaka for debriefing of the documentary project.

April 3rd we depart Lusaka for Lubumbashi, about 6-8 hours north of Lusaka (in DRC) where we will spend a few days before making our way (still uncertain as to how we will get there...) to Pweto-one of four returnee areas for the repatriating refugees.

We will spend a total of 3 months (give or take) in and out of Zambia/DRC filming stories of hope and human agency.

I will keep this blog updated as much as possible with details of our journey.

Carpe Diem


  1. Hey Krista la grande!
    good way to introduce to all of us.
    It's always good to know there're people who are open to this wonderful planet. Seriously
    Take care and bring some Zimbabwean sunset for me!

  2. krista, que tal?
    I do love blogging and mine is about myself and anything around me as well.
    Anyway, hope your movie project at UCLA went fine!
