Friday, November 9, 2018

Busy day in Ndola! Then adventured into town...walked like 5km

Papa Isaac arrived last night and what a treat it was to have him as our guest! We spent hours reminiscing about Kala camp (Isaac was the Refugee officer working with UNHCR in 2007), sharing stories both old and new- I made a delicious homemade vegetable curry then we all ate together and began to discuss our REEL Project future endeavors. It was another inspirational evening, to only continue this morning after an early breakfast followed by a full day of kazi kazi!

 Isaac has been working in Organic Agriculture for years now, he even took a three year course and is certified. He has been working with a local doctor in Lusaka and has conducted multiple trainings over the course of the past few years.  We discussed the importance of composting and organic farming and how we can incorporate this into an Income Generating Activity (IGA) in Kalemie. Together we came up with: The REEL Organic Community Garden.

Thus far Malela and I have come up with an exciting amount of project ideas- so many that we had to take a few deep breathes and a number of steps back! Based on the current situation, the feedback that we have received and how to move forward- The REEL Project's next project initiative will be the following:

  • A REEL: 
    • Educational Initiative
      • Continue in our efforts in supporting the education of vulnerable children
    • Workspace Initiative
      • Similar to any "workspace" around the world, TRP will provide a space for students and locals access to a work space, internet, research material, a printer, a conference room etc...
    • Humanitarian film Initiative
      • As 'film' is HUGE in the DRC, providing the opportunity to show a film once a week (or bi-monthly), TRP will produce a multitude of informational 1-2 minute shorts that will be mandatory in showing prior.  These films will follow the WaSH program, educate in the most sensitive and culturally relevant of ways. We will work alongside in collaboration with our coordinating partners to deliver the best and most direct messages.  
    • Organic Community Garden
      • Malela will be meeting with multiple organizations that are currently working in the agriculture sector in the DRC (Kalemie specifically). TRP will find the best ngo to partner with for our community garden and we will bring Isaac Ndala in to start a 6 week training program. Additionally, we will work within the community to share in the labor and care of the garden in exchange for the plentiful goods it produces!
Ok- Papa Isaac is almost (safely)home, and it is officially....oh dear, only 6:30pm here haaaa. I am so ready for bed! 
Until later? -Inspiring work is exhausting.

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